A Time To Listen


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

It’s something I often forget. Even though we have that helpful reminder whenever we look in the mirror, two ears and one mouth.

James tells us to take note (I love this translation), followers of Jesus need to be people with a ‘listen first’ response. He does not say we should not speak or become angry. But whatever we say should flow out of a posture of listening. 

Our first response should be to listen.

We see Jesus in the gospel stories speak and become angry. But he always listened to the marginalised, helpless and voiceless in society. 

Imagine the shockwaves at the time when a Samaritan woman bent the ear of a famous Jewish rabbi at a well.

Imagine the transformative power of a body of people willing to listen to others with the power of God’s spirit within them and the amazing story of God’s love in their hearts. 

James never pulled punches in his letter. He later reminds us not to be deceived by merely reading the words on the page. The word should shape the way we live.

So if we are listen first people. Let’s listen. There will always be variety and diversity in the community of God and that’s good and fine, he created us to be unique. But we are united by our genuine love for one another and for the people around us. 

In this season of learning and repentance, as part of our community weeps, let’s weep alongside them and listen first. Let’s be people who reflect Jesus love and life all the time. Stop reading this now and go listen.

Jack Bridgett