Promise in the Movement


Joshua 1:3 NIV 

“I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”

In Joshua 3 we can read the events of the priest leading the Israelites across the Jordan river. God instructs the priests to step into the overflowing river and as they do, Gods promise is revealed as he dries up the river! The priests and whole Israelite nation can pass through the river safely on dry ground! They moved....God moved! But the reality is God had already moved before the priests even reached the river he had already made a way, the faith and obedience of the priests just revealed it! It’s funny to think of movement during a season of such isolation and restriction.....maybe movement looks like a shuffle of your priorities or a change of perspective or maybe it looks like a new connection. Ask God, where are you leading me in this season Lord? 

Nothing is wasted with our God......beyond the lockdown, heartache and frustration of this season there is purpose. 

“I will give you every place where you set your foot......” Not where you cast your eyes or set your dreams, but where you place your foot! There is promise in the movement! As we move, what ever it may look like, his promises are revealed! 

So be encouraged Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us that the lord himself goes before us....our strength...our hope...our peace and security.....our equipper and father goes on ahead of us, makes a way and calls us to him!

Promise in the movement!


Jack Bridgett